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Folder #2 Pokémon cards For Sale

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Folder #2 Pokémon cards: $7216.01
FOLDER #2All cards have been checked on multiple sources for setting up the right price. Most of the cards have also been opened directly from sealed packs (bought from retail store) and been immediately put in to the card protection sleeve (Dragon Shield).Cards in this folder are in great quality condition and are all english version of the cards.These cards are now graded. Grading service was done by "Keräilytavaroiden arviointi- ja konsultointipalvelu Kähkönen" with approval rating of 90% out of 1-100% scale. I will include grading papers with the class="Standard">Sold as is.
Feel free to ask questions if needed. Separate listing with more pictures can be done. FREE SHIPPING.
Names Nr Price Marshadow (NM) 2018Promo 40€ Jirachi (NM) 99/181 45€ Galvantula (LP) 42/114 10€ Azumarill (LP) 77/114 10€ Naganadel GX (LP) 56/131 50€ Mewto GX (LP) 39/73 41€ Alolan Raticate GX (LP) 85/168 30€ Heat Factory Prism (NM) 178/214 30€ Zoroark GX (LP) 53/73 25€ Eevee & Snorlax TAG TEAM (NM) 120/181 60€ Alolan Raticate GX (LP) 85/168 25€ Blaziken GX (LP) 26/168 65€ Ditto Prism (NM) 154/214 40€ Silvally GX (LP) 90/111 20€ Scizor GX (LP) 90/168 45€ Shiftry GX (NM) 14/168 30€ Hau Full Art (NM) 144/145 80€ Misty's determination Full Art (LP) 108/108 65€ Dialga GX (Mint) 82/131 150€ Nihilego GX Full Art (LP) 103/111 35€ Charizard GX (LP) 20/147 70€ Brock's grit Full Art (LP) 107/108 115€ Stakataka (NM) 102/168 35€ Guzzlord GX Full Art (LP) 105/111 35€ M Pigeot Ex (Mint) 105/108 235€ Mars Full Art (LP) 154/156 80€ Galarian Articuno V (NM) 58/198 35€ Galarian Darmaniten Vmax (NM) 37/185 50€ Entei & Raikou Legend Upper part (MP) 90/95 125€ Sigilyph GX (LP) 202/214 40€ N Full Art (LP) 101/101 150€ Sceptile GX (NM) 196/214 35€ Faba Full Art (NM) 208/214 50€ Suicune GX Rainbow (Mint) 220/214 270€ Bianca Full Art (LP) 147/149 200€ Giovanni's Exile Full Art (LP) 67/68 25€ Zeraora GX (NM) 86/214 50€ Mimikyu GX Rainbow (Mint) 226/214 250€ Lusamine Prism (NM) 182/214 70€ Xerneas Prism (Mint) 144/214 115€ Lugia GX (Mint) 159/214 90€ Shiftry GX (NM) 14/168 30€ Heat Factory Prism (MISPRINT!) 178/214 500€ Virizion GX (NM) 32/214 40€ Mr. Mime GX (LP) 67/181 40€ Pikachu & Zekrom TAG TEAM (Mint) 33/181 140€ Mr. Mime GX (LP) 56/168 55€ Scizor EX (LP) 76/122 35€ Charizard EX (NM) 11/106 225€ Kingdra EX (NM) 73/124 50€ Greninja GX (NM) 24/131 40€ Yveltal GX (NM) 79/131 50€ Latias & Latios GX TAG TEAM Full Art (Mint) 170/181 1500€ Latias & Latios GX TAG TEAM (Mint) 113/181 100€ Alolan Muk GX Full Art (NM) 138/147 50€ Dialga GX (Mint) 82/131 150€ Stakataka GX (Nm) 102/168 35€ Eloctrocharger Full Art (Mint) 193/181 25€ Deoxys Ex Promo (Nm) BW82 30€ Greninja & Zoroark Rainbow (Mint) 222/214 150€ Genesect GX (Nm) 130/214 30€ Sceptile GX (Nm) 22/214 30€ Volcanion Prism (Nm) 31/131 60€ Shaymin Prism (Nm) 10/181 60€ Solgaleo Promo (Mint) SM104 35€ Tapu Koko GX Rainbow (Mint) 153/145 100€ Latias Prism (Mint) 107/108 70€ Reshiram Full Art (LP) 113/114 80€ Ultra Necrozma GX (Mint) 95/131 40€ Ultra Necrozma GX Full Art (Mint) 127/131 80€ Victini Prism (Mint) 7/70 40€ Arseus Prism (Mint) 96/131 40€ Kartana GX (NM) 70/111 30€ Articuno GX Full Art (Mint) 154/168 80€

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