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Vintage Handmade Aurora Borealis Faceted Beads, 20 Inch Plus Rosary * For Sale

Vintage Handmade Aurora Borealis Faceted Beads, 20 Inch Plus Rosary  *
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Vintage Handmade Aurora Borealis Faceted Beads, 20 Inch Plus Rosary *:

Asyou may know, Ihave collected Rosaries and various religious articles representingmany faiths for about 50 years. Some were made by me or othercraftspersons. Some were bought, and some were gifts.Overthe years, Myfriends and Ihave sent several thousand mission Rosaries to the Divine WordMissions through their Mother House in Techney, IL. And toindividual missionariesin India and Africa. Thehigh cost of shipping, health and age has put an end to most of us and our efforts. After our last meeting, we packed up a lot of things in the late 1990s.Ihave also kept some of the more unusual. Now in my early 80s, Ihave decided to share my collection with others through.

I had a few of these vintage Aurora Borealis Rosaries with Faceted Beads. A short while ago, I came across another box with more of these beautiful Rosaries. They are handmade and measure just over 20 inches in length. They are very well made and a joy to hold. The Crucifix and Marian center are both large and well formed. The chain links are machine made. The bead work is by hand. You can always tell a handmade rosary by the way the bead wires are worked. They make a great, affordable Easter gift for your religious education class or a family member. Enjoy!

EverythingI am selling is guaranteedas described. I give a full, 30 day returnfor everything.

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A Traveling Exhibition from Russell Etling Company (c) 2011